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Stops Along the Historic El Camino Real de los Tejas | Texas Royal Road

El Camino Real de los Tejas | What is it?

“El Camino Real” translates to “The Royal Road,” and “Tejas” is what the Spanish called Texas, named for the Caddo word “taysha” meaning friend.

El Camino Real de los Tejas is a historical trail that stretches from Mexico through Texas and into Louisiana. Before it was used by people, the trail was formed by the paths animals traveled. Native Americans and later settlers used this trail for travel. It became an important route during the Spanish colonial period due to the establishment of missions and forts. The trail was later used by settlers from the U.S., including Stephen F. Austin and his colonists. 

Points of Interest Along El Camino Real de los Tejas

El Camino Real de los Tejas has been designated as a National Historic Trail. The route features museums, interpretive centers, and historic sites, offering a chance to experience this integral part of Texas history and culture.

The Visitor Center in Goliad showcases life during the era of the Spanish empire. Explore the cottage and discover interactive exhibits and activities related to the trail.



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