Why Should You Visit?
Almost everyone has heard of the 6 Flags of Texas (thanks to the aptly named theme park.) At this site, you can experience the time in Texas history when the Spanish flag flew. Spain ruled Texas from 1690-1821. This field trip to a restored Spanish Mission will take you back to the life and times of the settlers and native people who lived here.
Missions were built throughout Texas for several reasons; to establish communities for Spain, to convert nearby tribes to Catholicism, and to offer some protection to the people living in them.
They were often set up in conjunction with a nearby presidio (fort,) and this location just happens to be the last remaining Presidio/Mission pairing still standing in Texas.
Presidio la Bahia is less than a mile away. Click here for more information.

A Great Field Trip for These Topics:
Spanish Texas
Spanish Missions
El Camino Real de los Tejas

Where to Begin Your Field Trip:
This is a Texas State Park, so you will enter through Park Headquarters. Pick up a map and any interpretative guides you would like or you can download them here.
TIP: Purchase day passes (or overnight camping/lodging) ahead of time. Popular parks sell out and this guarantees entry. Here is a link to their online reservation system.
What Can You Expect to See & Do While Here?
You can expect to visit a beautiful state park with many amenities, a historic Spanish Mission (including a Museum,) and several other sites of interest located down the road. Goliad Texas is rich with history.
Mission Espíritu Santo, locater near park headquarters is where you’ll find both ruins and reconstruction of a once bustling Spanish mission. The Mission includes a church, workshop, living quarters, and museum explaining the lives and very different cultures of the people who lived in the mission.

Fun Fact: Workers from Civilian Conservation Corps (a Depression Era work program) restored this mission in the 1930s.

Also, in close proximity, the state park includes a few more points of interest:
- The birthplace of General Ignacio Zaragoza, tells the story of Cinco de Mayo.
- The El Camino Real de Los Tejas Visitor Center tells the story of the “Royal Road” now a National Historic Trail.
- The ruins of what remains of Mission Rosario can be viewed along with interpretative signs explaining how the mission once functioned.

The Basics
Mission Espíritu Santo
Goliad State Park and Historic Site
108 Park Road 6
Goliad, TX 77963-3206
Open Daily: 8am-8pm
Adult $4
Child (12 & under) $0

Tips for Visitors:
Picturesque Goliad state park offers many outdoor activities including camping, hiking, biking, geocaching, fishing, picnicking, and paddling the San Antonio River.
Click here for details on the 6.6 mile Goliad Paddling Trail.
The Angel of Goliad hike and bike trail running through the state park connects to historic downtown Goliad as well as Presidio la Bahia.
Check the park event page here for upcoming programs and ranger-led activities.
Other field trips nearby:

Additional Resources:
Children’s Readers
- The Spanish Missions of Texas by Megan Gendell
- View the Texas Historical Commission’s short video on the Spanish Settlement of Texas