Roadside Stop: Alien Crash Site and Grave
The truth is out there?? The story was first reported in 1897 as a UFO crash landing, (50 years before the Roswell sightings.) The pilot, who is called “Ned” was described as “not of this world.” Ned the alien collided into a windmill on a farm in the small town of Aurora, Texas. The townspeople gave the “Martian” a Christian burial in the town cemetery and dumped the wreckage down a well. You can still visit his grave today and pay your respects.

The town has some fun with their alien heritage. Adjacent to the photo op, you will find the aptly named Smoking Windmill BBQ restaurant. The locals here are happy to share some cosmic stories and great food.

The crash site has been investigated many times over the years. Whether or not you think it’s all a hoax, it makes for a fun stop and photo op.
Alien Site Locations:
Aurora Alien Landmark
303 Derting Road
Aurora, TX 76078
Aurora Cemetery
507 Cemetery Road
Aurora, TX 76078