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See the Blue Ghost: USS Lexington Aircraft Carrier

Visit the Blue Ghost, a WWII Aircraft Carrier docked in Corpus Christi, TX.

Why You Should Visit the Lexington?

Sometimes kids hear the word “museum,” and you can watch their eyes glaze over in predetermined boredom. Well, this is not that museum. This field trip is immediately exciting as you walk across the gangway to board a retired aircraft carrier from WWII. The Lexington is a completely immersive experience bringing 1940s wartime to life.

Fun Fact: The Lexington served in the Pacific War and was mistakenly reported sunk four times by Japanese forces earning it the name “Blue Ghost.”

Great Field Trip for These Topics:

Where to Begin Your Field Trip

There is a dedicated parking lot for Lexington.

2914 Surfside Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78402 << Exact address for your GPS

(You will purchase a parking token with your museum admission to exit the lot.)

Head up the gangway to the admission counter where you will get a guide of everything there is to see. It doesn’t matter where you begin, but we recommend the 3D film if your timing works out well. Shows run every hour on the hour.

What Can You Expect to See & Do While on board the Lexington?

The Museum is divided into 5 sections or “tours” which are self-guided routes you follow at your own pace. Each tour’s entrance is located on the hangar deck and is very well marked with a large banner flag. You’ll wind your way through different parts of the ship, but all tours begin and end on the hangar deck level where you purchased your tickets.

Tour 1 is the Flight Deck. Explore the massive (more than 2 acres) floating airfield. The 3D film does a great job of explaining how jets were able to take off and land from the scaled-down runway. Several aircraft are on display for great photo-ops. Then, climb to the top of the crow’s nest for a bird’s eye view. This is probably a good time to press play on your Top Gun soundtrack.

Tour 2 is the Foc’sle (or forecastle.) For those of us not fluent in nautical terms, this is the upper forward part of the ship. On this tour, you will view the anchoring machinery and an exhibit on the Lexington’s role in the film Pearl Harbor, as well as officer’s quarters.

Tour 3 is the Gallery deck. Here you will see what the captain’s life looked like onboard. Then, take some pictures in one of the ready rooms once used by WWII pilots before flying missions.

Tour 4 is the Lower Decks. This is where the crew slept and had meals, or visited the doctor. See the sickbay, dental clinic, galley, and chapel. This tour also has a well-done exhibit on the Texas Navy. Then peruse a scale model gallery of ships and aircraft from around the world.

Tour 5 is the Hangar Deck. You enter and exit the ship on this level, and it is where every tour begins and ends. Many WWII aircraft and vehicles are displayed here. Kids will love climbing into the Blue Angels cockpit or posing in the brig for their maritime jail mug shots. The 3D theatre, flight simulator, Mess Deck Café, and gift shop are all located on the hangar deck.

The Basics

USS Lexington

2914 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Corpus Christi, Texas 78402

1-800-LADY LEX

Daily: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Adults (ages 13 and up) $16.95
Seniors & Military $14.95
Children (ages 4-12) $11.95

Tips for Visitors

Use your mobile phone to enhance self-guided tours. Along the tour routes, you’ll find signs with QR codes. Scan with your phone and enjoy videos and text about the exhibits.

There is a cafe (The Mess Deck) open daily from 10 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. See the menu.

The Lexington also has guided tours you can book in advance; flight operations, hard hat, and paranormal. Click here for more information.

The Lex also has a one of a kind Escape Room experience. There are currently 2 themes to choose from, nuclear catastrophe or ghosts!

Educational programming and even overnight camping are available for groups. More information can be found here.

Other Field Trips in Corpus Christi, TX:
Texas State Aquarium
Padre Island National Seashore
South Texas Botanical Gardens & Nature Center
Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
Texas Sealife Center
The Art Museum of South Texas

Additional Resources